We went to church with Nana and Grana(Orrin's mom) in Larned and I got to see a woman that I went to school with in Sylvan and her family. Her parents from Sylvan just happened to be there too so got to chat with them for a few minutes. Then it was back to Nana's to have Lasagna another cousin and her family brought out. We then went back to Rozel to the 50 year old Aunt La's house to talk with her family, her daughter Nikki who is why Orrin and I met. It was great but as always we chatted way too long so we got home way too late on Sunday night. Here is a picture of the kids with their great-grandmother Nana
Monday morning we get up and drive two hours into Nebraska to go to the dentist...with kids. Orrin and I had our appointments and then we went to our usual eating place in North Platte.....Taco Bell/Long John's Silvers, strange combo but we can find alot of food that the kids like and about the only place you can always get corn-on-the-cob. Went through the drive thru and went back to a small park by this big Nebraska State office close to the dentist we use.
We start to sit at a picnic table and it is cold and windy. The kids don't want to eat and we don't either! So we decide to let the kids play and they can just eat in the car on the two hour trip home.
Side note: we left our car running because after Orrin got done and I went in, the kids were in the car and I had turned the accessory on so we could still listen to music and Orrin just got the kids out and didn't turn it off. We had a dead car by the time I got done. Luckily the dentist hadn't left for lunch yet and she jumped us with her Caddy:) I told her to add it to our bill :)
So the kids are playing like crazy in the park. I finally can't stand all the trash, socks, gloves etc...lying around this little park and start picking up. Orrin tells me to "Quit touching other people's stuff!" I ignore him and keep tidying up. We finally leave and head home.
Once home Orrin starts feeding cows, got a load done when he parks the feed truck by the house to tell me "I just got an interesting phone call"
Turns out I had left my phone at the picnic table in that park and someone had turned it in to the police station. GET THIS, someone named "Investigator Shane" had enough time to try to find whose phone it was! He asked Orrin if he recognized the number 0- No let me check-it is my wife's phone. INS-OK we can send it to you, what's your address O-Oberlin KS INS-Does your wife live in North Platte? O-Nope we were just at the dentist this morning!
So someone was NICE enough to turn my phone in to a person NICE enough to try to find out whose it was!!!!! Plus I was NICE enough to pick up other people's trash....proof what goes around sometimes comes around NICELY!!!!!! However at this time I don't have my phone yet :)